Eli Rodriguez

Holy Smokes has it been 4 months?!

Eli Rodriguez
Holy Smokes has it been 4 months?!

Where has the time gone?

Since the last time I posted, we survived another Christmas and the moon has yet to explode. However I dreamed that it did not too long ago.

So how you been?

I’ve been busy. In February I was one of 8 to compete at Facebook in New York for the Oculus Medium VR Sculpting Battles which were filmed at HQ. I can’t talk about the winner because they asked us not to but I can tell you that it was amazing to be in the same room with artists who have been in 3D professionally and a noob like myself who came from clay, airbrushes and pencils.

While in New York, I was hosted by a friend from the XR community and I won a Tiltbrush performance battle and got to meet some really cool people in the scene.

I’m currently working on a new tequila label which I was just given 100% creative freedom on so I’m really stoked.

Here’s some things you might of missed: